National Population Commission has begin Get ready Names Of Supervisors And Enumerators Through This process

National Population Commission has begin Get ready Names Of Supervisors And Enumerators Through This process


Programs to identify Supervisors and Enumerators who will conduct and receive training have begin at the National Population Commission (NPC).
We have been informed that the census board has altered how the names of applicants who will receive training in July will be released, and we will join tomorrow 

It is known to everyone that the census commission usually postpones the date of receiving the training due to some reasons that they take before it, but God willing, the training will be held in the month of July.

A few months ago, names were released in some local governments in Nigeria, but some did not see their names! I want to use this opportunity to inform the people who gave us the approval work that the list has been released without their names, they should speak in the way you will give to enter their names, God willing.

The Supervisor and Enumerator who will lead the training are currently being chosen. Whoever's name shows up in the rundown that will approach will be among those directing the preparation, God willing.

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Source: bz global services 

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